September 14, 2023


September 14, 2023



September 15, 2021

Are you unhappy with your teeth?  Improving the appearance of teeth is hugely popular these days and there are affordable, convenient, and discreet treatments available that can make a huge difference.  Due to advancing technology we don’t have to wear the fixed metal brace that so many of us immediately think of.

Invisalign is a teeth straightening treatment that uses clear, soft, pliable aligners and is designed for both teenagers and adults.  Bristol Dental Specialists have a dedicated Invisalign website which is packed full of information and illustrations telling you everything you need to know about this revolutionary teeth straightening treatment.

If you’re looking for a first-hand review though who better to ask than an Invisalign wearer?  Our patients are keen to talk about their experiences with Invisalign and how happy they are with the results.  Here’s one patient’s story about beginning Invisalign treatment.

“I’ve never been happy with my teeth, I didn’t wear braces as a child and my teeth have pretty much been left to do their own thing.  It was my upcoming wedding that gave me the push to go ahead and make a change to the appearance of my teeth.

I had heard about Invisalign and intrigued to know more I started researching this treatment which worked by moving your teeth gradually using a sequence of clear aligners.  After ALOT of reading Invisalign sounded perfect for me and Bristol Dental Specialists had some great reviews.  Their Specialist Orthodontist had many years’ experience with a special interest in adult orthodontics and ‘invisible braces’.  

At my first consultation the Orthodontist performed a thorough scan of my mouth, this was a quick and painless procedure.  The scanner produced images of my teeth from various angles that would form my treatment plan.  I was even shown how my teeth would look at the end of treatment which was another great incentive.

My treatment plan consisted of 17 sets of aligners, each one to be changed weekly and I could do this myself at home. I did go into the practice for the fitting of the first tray (aligner) and as I was going to need some attachments these were fitted at the same time.  

I was also shown how to use a handy digital scanning app so that I could upload images of my progress. DentalMonitoring works alongside Invisalign and is a convenient way to check in with my Orthodontist to make sure everything is moving in the right direction.  The app stores the images so that you can look back to see how your treatment is progressing at any time.  It has also reduced the number of visits to the practice which has saved me so much time.

When the trays are first placed, they do feel a little tight.  I found that eating soft food like porridge and pasta made life easier, and an over-the-counter painkiller takes the edge off any discomfort experienced when you change trays.  I wear elastics overnight which creates a little more tension and encourages more movement.  

One of the huge benefits of Invisalign treatment is that you can remove the clear aligners to eat.  When you’ve finished your meal just clean your teeth and pop your aligner back in.  At the start of my treatment, it took me a while to take the aligners out discreetly, but I soon became a pro!  Snacking isn’t as simple it once was, and I admit I do miss drinking fruit juice throughout the day.  I just make sure I enjoy a glass of squash when my aligners are removed during mealtimes, and when I think of my beautiful straight teeth it’s all totally worth it!

I’ve also been using the app TrayMinder which is a helpful tool that can track my ‘out’ time and make sure I don’t go over that 2 hours in the 24-hour window.  I don’t have to rush my meals but I’m more aware of the time, I’m sure I’m not the only Invisalign patient who aims for a personal best at removing the aligners and getting them back in!!

On changeover day I am using a ‘chewie’, which really encourages my aligner into place over my teeth, giving me that snug secure feeling.  I’m halfway through my treatment and I can already see a huge change.  My front teeth are ‘wobbling’ ever so slightly and there is a gap forming but this means that my teeth are moving so it’s to be expected. It does make me wary of biting into things and I am cutting up everything as I feel more comfortable this way.  

The changes happen slowly and when you’re struggling to see a difference look back on your first tray or check your first images on DentalMonitoring for the comparison – you will be amazed at the difference.

My trusty Invisalign aligner case has been a compliant travel companion, I always carry a mouth wash and floss with me just in case I need to remove my aligner, it’s not always convenient to brush teeth out in public!  Popping the aligners out is not a problem now and it really doesn’t bother me doing it wherever I am.  

Invisalign really does becomes part of your life, mealtimes can be a bit awkward at first but when the trays are in, they are keeping my teeth safe and working their magic!

The cost of Invisalign is naturally more than fixed metal braces due to the technology and research that makes the treatment so advanced.  It took me a while to make my decision but after listing the pros and cons I decided Invisalign is a worthy investment, one that will make me happy and feel more confident!”

Invisalign is different.  The clear aligners are convenient and lifestyle friendly and can treat a range of orthodontic issues. Bristol Dental Specialists offer high quality dental treatment, and we always aim to give our patients an outstanding experience.  If you want to know more about starting Invisalign treatment, then contact us for a free initial consultation.  Alongside our current promotional Invisalign offer for adults we are now delighted to announce our September Invisalign Teen offer. Please 
contact the practice for more details.

For further updates on Susan’s Invisalign journey follow 

Opening Hours

Monday       8.00am – 7.00pm
Tuesday       8.00am – 7.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am – 7.00pm
Thursday     8.00am – 7.00pm
Friday          8.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday     By arrangement only
Sunday        Closed

Contact us

Bristol Dental Specialists
24 Berkeley Square,
Phone: 0117 456 2262

Bristol Dental Specialists Ltd Registered in England & Wales company number 11696017

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